The Molly McMole Book Series

  • Mayor Molly McMole Meets Cousin Vinnie the Shrew

    Here comes another children’s picture book by Lorraine Strieby about Mayor Molly McMole and her little mole friends, including Cat Sophia and Spider Leggs. This magical adventure begins because the mole tunnels filled with onion domed castles and fancy cafes in a town called Chatsworth have been covered over by a cement parking lot. Oh, dear! What to do? Can Mayor Molly save her little friends once again?

    The first book of the series is "Cat Sophia and Mayor Molly McMole" available on Kindle/Amazon.

  • Cat Sophia and Molly McMole

    Kid’s Alert!!! Here Comes “Cat Sophia “ on the Kindle and Amazon Cat Sophia and Mayor Molly McMole Wow!!! Did you know that under those ugly mole holes are beautiful onion-domed castles built by Molly’s little mole friends?

    Not only is this ebook beautiful to look at, but it teaches character building to all the 3 plus children and the storyteller will find this book entertaining with its adult humor as well, especially if they too are suffering from mole holes in their yard!


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